Blackjack Gymnastics Meet 2021 Results
Dear Coaches, Judges, and Gym Owners,

I regret to inform you that the Washington Men’s Gymnastics Foundation has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Washington Open. Our hearts go out to those clubs and owners that have been forced to close their doors, the coaches who have gone without work, and of course to all the athletes who have not been able to have a normal practice schedule in almost ten months. The WA Open (est. 1982) means so much to our team. This traditional meet has been bringing together our amazing gymnastics community for nearly 40 years, and is our most consistent fundraiser. Its proceeds help pay for scholarships, competition travel, coaching, and equipment. We humbly ask that if there is any way for your team to donate even a portion of what you might have spent on the registration fee, to please do so. We would be incredibly grateful, and to show our appreciation, we would like to provide a 2021 WA Open T-shirt to those who can donate. These are available to any club, athlete, judge, or parent, even if you were not intending on participating in this year’s virtual competition. If you are interested in ordering, please fill out the T-shirt order form below.
Also, in an effort to reach out and stay connected, we are hosting an alternative, virtual experience to clubs, coaches, athletes, judges, and parents who are interested in meeting the coaches and team members. We will send more information about this event by year’s end, so, stay tuned! We hope that all of you are healthy in both body and mind, and hope to see you soon. The WMGF wishes you all a happy holiday, and GO DAWGS!
Sincerely,Biggest Little Meet 2021: Gymagine Gymnastics: WA: 2021-02-06: Bubble Meet: Advantage Gymnastics Academy: WA: 2021-02-07: Airtrack Meet: San Diego United Training Center: CA: 2021-02-07: Land of Oz: Wichita Gymnastics Club: KS: 2021-02-11: Brestyans LV Invitational: Academy of Gymnastics - Salcianu Gymnastics: NV: 2021-02-11: Brestyans LV. $50 Level 1-2 & Bronze. $55 Level 3-8 Xcel Silver-Diamond. Limited entries. Deadline: Jan 2 2021. Awards Medals for 1-3 Ribbons 4-12. Up to 50% 100% All-Around. Stanford open 2021 will take place in january 2021 We are moving forward with plans for Stanford Open 2021. Given the conditions of the last months, our event in 2021 will be limited to competitive Elites (age 18 or older by December 31, 2021) and will not include USAG Age Group Program sessions for Levels 4 - 10 at this time. Entry Deadline is January 15, 2021. Level 2-5 & Xcel $120. Level 6-10 $130. Team $50 per level.

Blackjack Gymnastics Meet 2021 Results 2020